Kazakhstan has a spring equinox celebration, whether or not it is actually spring, called Nauryz. (It's pronounced Na-ruze). Because of the importance of this celebration, the school has spring break to coincide with this. I'm told some years the celebration is delayed because of snow. Yeah, think about that Punxatawney Phil. The last day of school before break we held our Nauryz celebration.
There were dancers, singers and a short play about spring. The kids played games and candy was thrown.
Ms Janar, our school counselor. |
The instrument he is playing is called a dombra. It has only two strings. His music was kind of rock and roll. Paula called him the Kazakh Elvis. |
My class playing tug of war. They also had games of strength, such as wrestling, and the traditional "pull your partner on a scooter." |
Candy! | |
A yurt was constructed on the school grounds. The covering inside was heavily embroidered. It was very nice. In a real yurt the wall coverings are made of felt that is quilted and about 1/4 inch thick.
The spring weather this week was cold, snowy, rainy and windy, snowy and windy, cold. Today I walked across the street to school to do lesson planning. The sun was shining, the sky was clear blue, and the temperature was 20. On the way home, I couldn't walk fast enough. The wind had started blowing, making it feel much colder. I really, really,
really hope spring gets here soon.
I love the costumes. Everything is so colorful.